Have you ever thought about the hidden dangers in our atmosphere? No, we’re not talking about pollution or climate change—though those are important too. We’re talking about atmospheric nuclear tests. These tests have had a big impact on our planet, and it’s important to understand their lasting [Read More]
Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA)
Lung Cancer and Navy Service? You May Qualify for VA Benefits
Lung cancer is one of the serious health problems related to service in the United States Navy. The risk of developing lung cancer increases for Navy veterans because of their exposure to dangerous substances such as asbestos and nuclear radiation. So, Navy service members may be eligible for Navy [Read More]
The Purpose and Impact of the Atomic Energy Commission
The Atomic Energy Commission, or AEC, was established by the United States federal government in 1946. Its chief purpose was to oversee and regulate the development, use, and control of nuclear energy. Let’s discuss the purpose and the impact of the Atomic Energy Commission further. Why Was the [Read More]
Downwinders and Nuclear Testing: a Hidden Chapter in History
Have you heard the term “downwinders?” It refers to people who were exposed to radioactive fallout from nuclear testing in the mid-20th century. This chapter on the history of the United States has had devastating effects on individuals and communities. However, it remains largely unknown or [Read More]
Downwinders Application: A Guide to Applying for Compensation
When it comes to the adverse health effects of nuclear testing, the term 'downwinders' has become synonymous with those who have suffered the most. Living in the path of radioactive fallout, these individuals have often faced health issues such as cancer and other serious diseases. If you or a [Read More]